Our College

College Profile

Brookside College lies within Caroline Springs which is a rapidly growing suburban community located twenty kilometres west of Melbourne, Victoria. It is a government college providing for students through primary and secondary education, spanning 10 years of learning from Prep to Year 9 and draws its student population from a wide range of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.

The College strives to offer high-class educational practices and the adoption of contemporary pedagogy that guides students through integrated phases of learning. The fundamental aim of the school is to foster and balance the intellectual, physical, cultural and social development of its students within 21st Century skills framework.

Teaching and learning programs at Brookside College are planned around professional learning communities at each level of the curriculum, with student needs individually catered for within the classroom.

Vision, Mission & Values

Brookside College is located in Caroline Springs on the lands of the Wurundjeri People and the Kulin Nation. Although the College and the community it serves is relatively young, learning communities have taken place on this land for more than 30,000 years.

Founded as part of the multi-campus Caroline Springs College in 2000, Brookside College became a separate legal entity in 2012. Since its formation, the College has gained a strong reputation as a caring and community minded learning school built on a commitment to student-centred learning and inclusive education.

Today the College has an enrolment of 1200 students from Prep to Year 9 and a staff of 139. Ours is a culturally and ethnically diverse community with 55% our children coming from a language background other than English and 1% of our children coming from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background. As a College, we celebrate the richness that diversity brings to a community and ensure our educational programs give voice to the different experiences of our families.

Our Vision – the why

“Brookside College empowers every learner to fulfil their potential and positively shape the future.”

Mission – the what

“At Brookside College we design high quality learning experiences that build on learner strengths and needs to help them develop their talents, passion and purpose.”


Rights, Respect, Resilience and Relationships

Our curriculum programs place Literacy, Numeracy and Empowerment at the core of our practice. Our curriculum structure is aligned with our Vision and Mission and has an unswerving focus on 21st Century Learning Skills underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum Capabilities and student agency.

Literacy is delivered through explicit direct instruction including a phonics program in the early years. Reading is a feature of every classroom, supported by classroom libraries. Numeracy is delivered through a balanced pedagogy that combines explicit direct instruction and problem-based learning. Learning in all other disciplines features explicit direct instruction, problem-based learning and project-based work. Student achievement is celebrated through Parent, Teacher and Student Conferences, Reporting, Awards and public exhibitions.

Our Digital Technology learning program brings real world learning to students and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their creativity and problem solving skills. Students are further able to develop their talents and passions through our Performing Arts (Prep-2) and Music (Years 3-9) programs, whilst student health and resilience is developed through the Stephanie Alexander Garden Program (Years 3-4), the Food Technology Program (Years 5-9) and the Health Program (Prep-9). Our Year 9 ‘Futures’ and Electives Programs further aim to equip our students with many of the skills and competencies they need to shape the future.

Student leadership, voice and agency is central to our work. Students have multiple opportunities to make decisions about their own learning and the direction of the College more generally. Student Action Teams drive improvement in the areas of Community, Teaching and Learning, Environment and Student Engagement and Wellbeing.

The College is committed to developing happy, healthy and resilient children and we have invested significantly in a range of specialist programs underpinned by the Berry Street Education Model, Resilience and Respectful Relationships and School Wide Positive Behaviour Support practices. Our work with students is framed by the Response to Intervention model, where student needs are identified and specifically targeted. Additional supports provided by the college include a Hands on Learning Program that has been nationally recognised as a model of excellence, a dedicated Student Wellbeing space called “The Zone” and our Inclusive Education Centre, “The Hub”.


Our College is a friendly place where the needs of the students come first. We help our students develop high self-esteem, expecting them to be respectful of others. It is agreed that the College and the family must work closely together to help each child achieve his or her unique potential.

Our students learn to think for themselves and they understand the benefit of working together in teams. Our students learn how to think creatively and critically, how to make sound judgments, and how to apply their knowledge in real life situations. Teachers and parents have high social, moral and academic expectations of our students. Together, they challenge students to make the most of their abilities, and help them to make meaningful connections. Our teachers appreciate that individual students learn differently, so they provide a variety of learning experiences and use a wide range of teaching methods and assessment strategies. Our community celebrates all kinds of student success and appreciates that adults, too, are learners.

Our common future requires that we all look beyond our immediate needs. For this reason, our students learn that they have a duty to the wider community and to the environment. They learn to give service to others, and to work towards a better and more peaceful world. We expect our students to learn about our society and reflect on how different people in the world can learn from each other. Our students learn to be honest, to persevere in everything they do, and to have the courage to defend their views while making informed and ethical choices as future leaders in our changing world.

Our College values are RIGHTS, RESPECT, RESILIENCE and RELATIONSHIPS.  We endeavour to incorporate these into our daily work for all Community members.

Principal’s welcome

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Brookside College.

As a young, dynamic and exciting learning community ‘Learning to Lead’ is at the core of everything we do, and we pride ourselves in developing confident individuals. Our programs, including extra-curricular activities, support our students to have a sense of self-worth, self-awareness and personal identity that enables them to manage their wellbeing and have a sense of optimism about the future. We encourage young people to serve the community, in particular sustaining and improving natural and social environments and becoming responsible global and local citizens.

Our College values of the ‘four R’s’ – Rights, Respect, Resilience, and Relationships – underpin all of our actions. We believe that a good education includes a wholistic approach to students, where academics and wellbeing are prioritised equally. Powerful positive relationships between staff, students and families coupled with an unflinching focus on growth and improvement make Brookside College an exciting and energetic learning environment for all.

Violeta Dellidis


College Leadership 

Executive Team

Violeta Dellidis

Karen Jackson
Assistant Principal P-2 

Brooke Gillis
Assistant Principal Year 3-6

Kate Newitt
Assistant Principal Year 7-9

Dale Thompson
Assistant Principal Year 7-9

Karen Fernandez
Business Manager


Senior Leadership

Gretel Van Wyngaarden
P-9 Engagement, Wellbeing & Inclusive Practice

Liam Ryan
P-6 Engagement & Wellbeing

Chloe Karras
7-9 Engagement & Wellbeing

Crystal Ambelas
P-9 Inclusive Practice

Steven Bennett
P-9 Digital Technologies & Specialist Domains

Dylan Golz
Teaching and Learning P-2

Manisha Saini
Teaching and Learning 3-4

Melissa Annison
Teaching and Learning 5-6

Jade Rapley
Teaching and Learning 7-9 English & Humanities

Adam Taylor
Teaching and Learning 7-9 Mathematics 


Blank for CSS - Do not remove
Year Level Leaders and Coordinators

Shey Obremski
Prep Year Level Leader 

Jelena Colak
Year 1 Level Leader 

Denay Sesto
Year 2 Level Leader 

Sarah Peters
Year 3 Level Leader 

Melissa Bowker
Year 4 Level Leader 

Aaron Payne
Year 5 Level Leader 

Alysha Kelly
Year 6 Level Leader 

Ash Gunn
Year 7 Level Leader 

Daniel Cooper
Year 8 Level Leader 

Caitlin Pretty
Year 9 Level Leader 

Caitlin Pretty
P-9 Sports Coordinator 



Thank you for your interest in Brookside College. As a College we actively seek to recruit the very best professional and allied staff in order to give our students outstanding educational opportunities.

All vacant positions for teachers and education support staff are advertised on Recruitment Online. To view and apply for current job vacancies, please visit the Recruitment Online website.

All teachers who work at Brookside College require VIT registration. All other staff require a current Employee Working with Children Check. Click on the links for more information on VIT registration and Working with Children Checks.

Brookside P-9 College are always looking for vibrant and engaging Casual Relief Teachers to undertake CRT work throughout the year. If you have the necessary qualifications and are interested in teaching and Brookside, please forward your resume to Brookside.p9@education.vic.gov.au att: Daily Organiser.

Placements at Brookside College

Brookside P-9 College is proud to contribute to the development of the teaching profession by hosting pre-service teachers on placements.

Students and/or university placement offices seeking placements at Brookside College must complete this form to submit an expression of interest. Please note that applications submitted via mail, email, in person, by telephone or via other channels will not be accepted.

For further inquiries please email:



Student Leadership 2024

College Captains | 2024

Mikaela Storrar


Tina Petras


House Captains


Jacob Sulte




Saad K




Messi M




Aussi G




Student Voice Members




Hazel P



3B Lucas E
3C Dylan T
3D Ava T
4A Joshua J
4B Taylem T
4C Lilly B
4D Hosain S
5A Jaya R
5B Boaz N
5C Hadi C
5D Jordan I
6A Josh A
6B Zeeshan H
6C Chelsea S
6D Jade N
6E Jairah C





Kiyara P

7B Emily B
7C Gracikaa G
7D Dante F
7E Xavier M
7F Alex F
7G Beekam A
8A Michael O
8B Japji W
8C Jonah C
8D Sumaili B
8E Charlotte W
8F Julia M
8G Mihaela J
9A Ethan C
9B Aydin S
9C Bezawit G
9D Mikayla A
9E Emma T
9F Jaerene B
9G Blake T



School Council

What is a School Council and what does it do?
All Government schools in Victoria have a School Council. They are legally formed bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within Departmental provided guidelines. In doing this, a School Council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the School provides for its students.

Who is on the School Council?
There are three possible categories of membership:

  • A mandated elected Parent Category
    More than one third of the total members must be from this category. Brookside College are allowed to have a maximum of two Parent members in this category who are Department of Education and Training (DET) employees provided they are not employed at Brookside College.
  • A mandated elected DET Employee Category
    Members of this category may make up no more than one third of the total membership of school council. The Principal of the School is automatically one of these members.
  • An optional Community Member Category
    Members of this category are co-opted by a decision of the Council because of their special skills, interests or experiences. DET employees are not eligible to be Community Members.

The term of office for all Members is two years. Half the members must retire each year, creating vacancies for the annual School Council Elections.

Why is Parent membership so important?
Parents on School Councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the School. Those parents who become active on a School Council find their involvement satisfying in itself and may also find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging.

How can you become involved?
The most obvious way is to vote in the elections, which are held in Term 1 each year. However, ballots are only held if more people nominate as candidates than there are positions vacant. In view of this, you might seriously consider:

  • Standing for election as a Member of the School Council.
  • Encouraging another person to stand for election.

Do I need special experience to be on School Council?
No. what you do need is an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the School’s future.

What do you need to do to stand for election?
The Principal will issue a notice and call for nominations following the commencement of Term 1 each year. All School Council elections must be completed by the end of March. If you decide to stand for election, you can arrange for someone to nominate you as a candidate or you can nominate yourself in the Parent Category. DET employees whose child is enrolled in a school in which they are not employed are eligible to nominate as parents for the School Council where their child is enrolled. Once the nomination form is completed, return it to the Principal within the timeframe stated on the Notice of Election Schedule. You will receive a Nomination Form Receipt in the mail following the receipt of your completed nomination. If there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on Council, a ballot will be conducted during the two weeks after the call for nominations has closed.


  • Ask the School for help if you would like to stand for election and are not sure what to do.
  • Consider standing for election to Council
  • Be sure to vote in the elections.

Please feel free to contact me should you require further information.

Violeta Dellidis

Meeting Dates 

School council meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 6pm during school terms.

The dates for 2024 are as follows:

19     February   –      6:00pm

26     March        –      6:00pm

20     May           –      6:00pm

17     June           –      6:00pm

19     August      –      6:00pm

16    September  –    6:00pm

21    October      –     6:00pm

18    November  –     6:00pm

16    December  –     6:00pm


Our current School Council Members are:

Arzoo Kanwal (President)
Parent Representative

Christian Anderson (Vice President)
Parent Representative

Vijay Santhana (Treasurer)
Parent Representative

Violeta Dellidis (Principal/Executive Officer)
DET Representative

Renee Stead
DET Representative

Karen Jackson 
DET Representative

Lucia Storrar
DET Representative

Crystal Ambelas
DET Representative

Dylan Golz
DET Representative

Manika Sirohi
Parent Representative

Shakib Rahman                                                                            Parent Representative

Manish Sharma
Parent Representative

Abigail Ong
Parent Representative

Arjee Ty Renaud
Parent Representative

Melissa Braybrook
Parent Representative

Seerat Ghulami
Student Representative

Sumaili Bolikoko
Student Representative



The strategic plan for Brookside College is a statement to it’s community of the school’s goals and priorities over the next 4 years to improve student outcomes. The strategic plan sets out goals and targets for student achievement, engagement and wellbeing. Key improvement strategies and targets for goal achievement are outlined with achievement milestones stated for each action.

Brookside P 9 College (8908) 2020 2024 School Strategic Plan

The Annual Implementation plan for Brookside College provides a detailed description of how the key improvement strategies in the School Strategic Plan will be put into operation in each of the four years of the strategic plan to achieve school goals.

Brookside P 9 College 2024 AIP






The annual report for Brookside College informs the whole school community of the school’s successes, activities and achievements throughout the year The annual reporting process ensures high quality data is used and shared with the school community in order to monitor and drive school improvement.

Annual Report To The Community 2023