Teaching & Learning

College Philosophy

The Vision – ‘Learning to Lead’

At Brookside College the fundamental purpose of education is to produce the quality of leadership; the capacity and commitment to act for one’s own good and for the common good.

The Mission

To provide high quality, inclusive and engaging educational experiences that create C21st leaders.

Teaching and Learning

Brookside College – A Student-Centred School

We believe that engaged learning occurs when the lives, knowledge, interests, bodies and energies of young people are at the centre of the classroom and school.

As educators at Brookside College we;

  1. appreciate the singularity and importance of each student
  2. comprehend the vital importance the teacher-child relationship
  3. have an understanding of developmental issues and recognise that any educational approach must be well matched to the capabilities of each student
  4. value the strengths of each student and seek to nurture them
  5. understand the context in which teaching and learning takes place and within that context bring something of value to all students
  6. have a deep sense of the joys and responsibilities of being a caring adult in the life of the student.

To meet the needs of all students at Brookside College;

  • Learning takes place anytime/anyplace
  • Students demonstrate mastery/competency
  • Learning is personalised
  • Students lead and have voice

Brookside College we believe that;

  • all people can learn
  • learners are active participants in their learning
  • learning is constructed within a socio-cultural context
  • learning is independent, interdependent and instructional

Learning at Brookside College

At Brookside College our curriculum is structured around the UNESCO Four Pillars of Education for C21st learners;

  1. Learning to Know – the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills that are needed to function effectively in the world including literacy,        numeracy and critical thinking
  2. Learning to Do – the acquisition and development of skills that enable individuals effectively participate in the global economy and society including leadership, vocational and technical competencies
  3. Learning to Live Together – the development of social skills and values that enable individuals and communities to live in peace and harmony
  4. Learning to Be – activities that promote holistic personal development


At Brookside we believe in creating confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. It is through the teaching of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them. English is an essential component of the curriculum and teaches students to understand how the English language is used through the many different social contexts and specific purposes for reading and viewing, speaking and listening, writing and creating.

Teachers plan the English curriculum to help the young people at Brookside College develop the knowledge and skills needed for education, training and the workplace. We help them become ethical, thoughtful, informed and active members of society.

The teaching of the curriculum is differentiated through the exposure of various texts and forms of multimedia. Students work both independently and in collaboration with their peers to share and discuss their understanding and creation of literature.


At Brookside the Mathematics curriculum focuses on developing increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning, modelling and problem-solving. These capabilities enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematics to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently. Being a P-9 College we ensure students acquire specialist knowledge and skills in mathematics which will provide the opportunity for further study.

It is important that students see connections and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes to pose and solve problems in not only mathematics but across other areas of the curriculum. We want our learners to develop useful mathematical and numeracy skills to include in their everyday life.

To support the individual growth of students teachers plan and implement lessons that cater for individual differences. Students participate in problem based learning and are provided with the opportunity to develop their mathematical reasoning and vocabulary through regular number talks.